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Komdu og njóttu lífsins á þessum fallega stað við sjóinn.

Slakaðu á og njóttu íslenskrar náttúru

Fegurð Skagafjarðar er með ólíkindum. Vertu hjá okkur á Gistiheimilinu Kolkuósi og upplifðu hið glæsilega landslag á meðan þú slakar á í einni af fjórum lúxus gestasvítunum okkar. 

Kolkuós Guesthouse has four luxurious guest suites with beautiful views of the surrounding ocean and mountains.
"The home and surrounding areas are so picturesque! We loved our room and wished we could stay a bit longer. The breakfast was delicious. We were able to dip our feet in the water (very cold!) and walk around the quay. We hope to return one day and stay much longer!""

Ingrid & Grant

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